Maybe that same porn that has influenced how women groom has also had an affect on the boys or maybe it’s sex-related: nothing like a courtesy trim to make oral sex more pleasant. Double standard, am I right ladies? Any woman who came of age in the the era of Britney Spears and internet porn knows that we’ve had to spend much more time, money, and pain thinking about and dealing with our pubic hair than guys do.īut that’s not to say that all the men are just out there letting it grow free and wild in fact, most seem to be trimming at least occasionally.
Some dudes go full bush, some dudes trim it down, some dudes go totally bald, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a general expectation that male pubic hair should be any particular way. We talk a lot about the lady landscape, but what about the manscape? While women’s pubes are totally politicized, men seem to get away with a much more laissez faire approach to grooming.